Our Classes
The majority of the classes listed below are available as online classes. Click the button below to choose your virtual yoga class.

This class helps build a foundation in the alignment required to establish a strong practice. Great for new students seeking to develop a yoga practice. This class centers around simple alignment, with modifications to suit a wide range of abilities.

This class helps build a strong foundation in the alignment required to establish a strong practice. Great for new students seeking to develop a yoga practice or more experienced students hoping to dive deeper into the poses. With a different focus each week (standing poses, forward bends and twists, backbends, restorative), this class centers around precise alignment, with modifications to suit a wide range of abilities.

For continuing students with at least 6 months of Yoga experience (or several years practice in another style of yoga). This class focuses on refining the actions of basic yoga poses and introducing more advanced poses, such as headstand and backward extension (camel, wheel). Pranayama (yogic breathing) is also introduced.

Mobility Class

Restorative yoga practice helps counter the stresses and strains of daily life by cultivating attention on ease and relaxation. Postures are often practiced using props like bolsters, blankets and blocks to support the body. This physical support helps students to stay in postures comfortably without straining. The muscles can relax, heart rate lowers and the nervous system can be soothed. Restorative postures boost the immune system and accelerate the body’s natural healing process.

Each class will work to balance all muscle groups’ strength and flexibility, with an emphasis on challenging the core muscles with each movement. Modifications are suggested for beginners or for those with physical limitations. Signs of a weak core may be a weak sense of balance, lower back pain and a poor posture. By improving core strength, this supports your whole body, giving you a healthy back and avoiding back pain.

Functional Range Conditioning is a system of joint health and mobility training. The FRC System of training applies scientific methods to expanding active, usable range of motion. It was developed by movement specialist Dr. Andreo Spina as a mobility training system created to improve joint health. FRC at Lakeshore Yoga is delivered as part of a goal-based private program. Its role is to improve the effectiveness and safety of your yoga practice or any other activities or your daily routine.
Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) was a game-changer for me. I already have enough flexibility after so many years of practicing yoga I needed to strengthen the joint through the full range of movement – particularly in the end range where joints are usually at their weakest. That is why I added FRC to my practice. Including FRC in my daily routine, I gained strength throughout the whole range of motion and control my body in poses.
In over 16 years of teaching yoga, I have found that nearly every single student requires some form of articular rotation to either help decrease current joint pain or prevent the likelihood that they will experience joint pain in the future.
Injuries often occur when a force is exerted that’s greater than the ability of our tissues to withstand it. Often that’s when a joint comes under stress in its weakest position.
As a yoga teacher, I’ll often hear students insist that they won’t be able to participate in Functional Range Conditioning training because they’re not flexible enough . . . but it isn’t about being flexible! It’s about pushing the ranges of motion and exploring new ways to control movement, which can often result in enhanced flexibility.
Where stretching classes and yoga usually focus on improving the flexibility of muscles and joints, FRC aims to strengthen the joint through the full range of movement – particularly in end range where our joints are usually at their weakest.
By doing so we improve overall control of our movement, improve mobility and reduce the risk of injury.
Injuries often occur when a force is exerted that’s greater than the ability of our tissues to withstand it. Often that’s when a joint comes under stress in its weakest position.
FRC helps you to become more aware of your body and allows you to complete linear movements with ease. The main benefit of training your body’s functional range is the impact on your joint’s overall health, which is beneficial for everyone, not just pro athletes.
Any joint pain will be reduced, and the risk of developing joint issues in the long haul will become significantly lower. Additionally, your mobility will increase which will – in turn – enhance your workout performance.

To learn how to modify postures to accommodate and bring health to an injury; to expand and deepen your understanding of a particular posture or type of pose; to ignite or evolve your home practice; to learn how to develop or adapt your practice during pregnancy or postpartum.

Share in a yoga experience for the entire family. No matter your ages, we will create a fun class perfect for the whole crew.