Lakeshore Yoga

Walking, running, heel striking, wearing heels..


Walking, running, heel striking, wearing heels, suffering from fallen arches can profoundly effect the feet, knees hips.


Find the important connection between your feet, knees and hips. Learn to heal yourself and ease your discomfort through asana movement with awareness.

( Examples are : Vajrasana, Upavistha Konasana, Virabhadrasana II, Vrksasana, Ardha Chandrasana  and more! )

April 7, 2019



Benefits of some poses from the workshop

Vajrasana  ( Thunderbolt Pose )

Stretching the hips, psoas, quads, and feet; improving circulation and relieving fatigue in the legs; and strengthening the arches of the feet and correcting posture.




Upavistha Konasana  ( Wide-angle Seated Forward bend Pose)

Stretches the insides and backs of the legs, stimulates the abdominal organs, strengthens the spine, releases groins.



Virabhadrasana II  ( Hero 2 Pose )

Strengthens and stretches the legs and ankles, stretches the groins. Increases stamina.


Vrksasana ( Tree Pose )

Improved balance, strengthens and stretches the legs and ankles, stretches the groins. Increases stamina.



Ardha Chandrasana ( Half Moon Pose)

Strengthens the abdomen, ankles, thighs, buttocks, and spine. Stretches the groins, hamstrings and calves, shoulders, chest, and spine. Improves coordination and sense of balance.